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Upgrading the Faddom Server
Alex Patnick avatar
Written by Alex Patnick
Updated over a week ago

There are several ways to upgrade the Faddom appliance and this guide will explain each of them.

Prerequisite for Online & Automatic Upgrades for Linux

The Faddom server needs to be able to access and

Automatic Upgrades

The script for automatic updates is only included in the Oracle Linux 9 OS-based OVA. Therefore, if your initial version was 2023.5 and above, on the first deployment of Faddom then you can turn on automatic updates. This is also available if you have followed our guide Migrating the Faddom OVA from CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 9

Once you have verified that connectivity to the above sites is available, you can connect to the server via SSH run

sudo /etc/illuminit/

This will set a cron job for 0300 every day to check for updates and if one is available will update Faddom. You can see the results in the file cron.log in the user's home directory. By default, this is /home/faddom/cron.log but will be different if you create your user for SSH access.

Linux - Online

If you wish to retain control of when the updates run, you can run it manually. Once you have verified that connectivity to the above sites is available, you can connect to the server via SSH run

sudo /etc/illuminit/

Linux - Offline

If Faddom does not have access and cannot be given the limited access required, you will need to manually download the upgrade file VMWare_FaddomServerUpgrade-<version>.x86_64.tar from the downloads portal. Once the download has finished, you will need to transfer it to the Faddom server. Next, connect to the Faddom server via SSH and run the below commands

tar -xvf VMWareFaddomServerUpgrade-<version>.x86_64.tar
sudo ./faddom-upgrade/


To upgrade the Faddom server on Windows, download the Faddom Server-<version>-Setup.exe file from the downloads portal, copy it to the server and run it.

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