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Faddom Network Discovery Tool
Faddom Network Discovery Tool
Written by Alex Patnick
Updated this week

The Faddom Network Discovery Tool is a standalone executable tool to help you map your network devices in minutes. The tool uses the SNMP protocol for discovery. For more information on SNMP, you can see our blog post What is SNMP?

The first time you run the tool, you will be presented with a Terms of Use screen and upon clicking Agree, you will be taken to the below screen.

(Note: This is a Windows-only tool)


SNMP Credentials - Public and Private are predefined options. To optionally add additional strings, dee Adding SNMP Credentials

SNMP Port - The port to get SNMP commands (optional)

SNMP Timeout - The time to wait for an SNMP response

Scan Ranges - A semi-colon or ccomma-separatedrange of addresses to scan for network devices. Can be either individual IP addresses, subnets ,or CIDR blocks

Ping Scan - A basic network scanning technique used to determine which of a range of IP addresses map to live hosts. This is optional but would only see network devices that the host machine has a connection to. (e.g. router). This is enabled by default and will speed up discovery and can be disabled if the ing is blocked on your network.

Search Adjacent Devices - This will attempt to automatically discover additional devices connected indirectly to the discovered switches and routers even if they are not within the scan range.

Adding SNMP Credentials

You can add SNMP v2 or v3 credentials. For these to work, the credentials require read permissions on the devices.

  1. Click Add Devices


  2. Select SNMP V2 or SNMPV3

  3. For SNMPV2 enter the Community String with read credentials

  4. For SNMPV3 you need to enter details as per the below screenshot


    Username - A user identity with at least read credentials
    Authentication protocol - The encryption type configured on your devices - MD5, SHA, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 or SHA512 or none.
    Authentication password - The password for the user
    Privacy protocol - The protocol used for encrypting the data - DES, 3DES, AES, AES192, AES256, AES192P, AES256p, or none.
    Privacy password - The password required when using AES or DES to de-encrypt the data

  5. Click Save and you will see the information on the main page. If you wish to add multiple credentials, you need to repeat steps 1-4 per credential

  6. Click 'Run Discovery' and you will be taken to the next screen where you will see, at the top, a progress bar and statistics on what has been discovered. If you wish to stop the Discovery you can click StopNow


As IP addresses and devices are discovered, they will appear along as below -


Device Name - this is the name used by the device to identify itself on the network

Numbers - each connection will show the interface number for the connection on each device

IP Address -Thiss is the IP address identified via the scan of the device. Devices may have more than one IP address and you can View Device Details.

Once the scan is done you can export the map to either Visio or Excel (XLSX) format by clicking on the Export button in the top right.


To re-run with the same settings or to change the parameters, click on the Settings button.


View Device Details

To view more details on each device you can click left click. You will see details including the device name, all IPs associated with the device, interfaces in use, and any configured routes.


If you wish to upgrade to the full version of Faddom you can click the Upgrade button to get your 14-day free trial.

For more information visit us at

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