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How to Map OCI in Faddom
Written by Alex Patnick
Updated this week

Faddom can seamlessly integrate with your OCI environment. To do this, you need to enable flow logs and then publish them to a stream. Following this, you provide the details to Faddom.

Setting Up Flow Logs & Streams in OCI

To set up OCI VCN Flow Logs you can see a full guide from Oracle at VCN Flow Logs

To set up an OCI Stream you can see a full guide from Oracle at Creating a Stream

To connect the VCN Flow Logs to the Stream you just created you can see a guide from Oracle at Scenario: Sending Streaming Data to Logging Analytics

Connecting the OCI Stream to Faddom

To provide Faddom with access to the Stream, go to Settings > Data Sources > OCI provide the required credentials and click discover.

You will then be provided with the below screen where you will be shown a drop-down with all the Streams that you have setup and you should select the stream setup below.

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