My Account allows you to have a quick view of the details of your account and export required logs in case you need any assistance from our support team
To access this information you click on the letter in the top right (Note: this changes depending on the user logged in) then click on My Account as per the example below, and this will show you the My Account dialogue box.
Here you can see the following information
The Faddom version installed
The full username of the current logged in user
License details
Servers shows how many servers have been detected out of the total number allowed for your current license
License activation & expiration dates
Company name
Additionally from here you can select Update License if you have received a new license or if the Faddom team have updated your license for any reason and the server does not have internet access (if it has internet access refreshing the screen with F5 will update it). You can refer to our guide on How to Activate Your License Online and Offline for instructions.
Viewing and Exporting the Faddom Logs
If you experience unusual or unexpected behavior, you may be asked by the support team to provide the logs. In order to view them and export them if needed, you click on the icon in the top right and select Server Logs From here, you can search in and/or Download. Clicking Download will download a zip file with all the logs and necessary information to provide support to further assist.