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Notifications and Alerts
Alex Patnick avatar
Written by Alex Patnick
Updated over a week ago

Faddom generates Notifications and Alerts for application map-related events as well as administrative events. The notifications can be viewed on the Notifications screen.


The Notifications screen is a log of alerts, showing all historic events. You can access this by clicking on the bell icon in the top right. If there are new alerts, it will display a number to indicate the amount of alerts.

From here, you can resolve the alert by pressing the green tick icon. Once a notification has been resolved, either automatically or manually, you will see the timestamp of when it was resolved.

At the bottom, you have a breakdown that shows you the amount of alerts based on different criteria.


Alerts advise you of changes or events that have happened recently and that require your attention.

If you would like to receive alerts via email or webhooks, for example, you will need to configure your preferred notification channels and the required subscriptions.

Notifications Channels

Types of notification channels are:

  • Email for sending email alerts per Faddom notification

  • Webhooks for pushing alerts to any system you use that supports webhooks

  • SNMP for sending SNMP traps per Faddom notification

  • ServiceNow for pushing alerts and creating Incidents

Creating and Viewing Notifications Channels:

  • Browse to Settings->Notifications->Edit Channels

  • Each row in the Notification Channels window represents a different notification channel

  • Channel details:

    • Channel name – channel’s name

    • Channel type – Specifies the type of channel (SNMP/EMAIL)

    • Server – SNMP / Email server name/address

    • Port – Specifies the port for the notification channel

  • From here you can Edit or Create a channel

Email Channel:

  • Choose the Email type and fill in the fields in. You can add multiple email addresses, comma-separated.

Webhooks Channel

SNMP Channel

  • Choose the SNMP type and fill the fields:

ServiceNow Channel:

Creating a Subscription

From one page, you can setup a subscription to notify you of your alerts and provide reports. In addition, as well as being able to select an existing Channel, you can create a channel directly from the same page.

Notifications set.gif
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